Minimum wage in the United Kingdom in 2024: how much can you save per month?

4 Min Read

In this article, we are going to tell you how much can you save per month if you travel to the United Kingdom to work with a Working Holiday visa.

We are also going to analyze how much is spent and what is the minimum wage so that they have all the information before traveling.

All these amounts are estimates since what they spend and what they can save will depend on many factors such as the type of job they have, the number of hours worked, the city where they live, and their extra expenses, etc.

Minimum wage in the United Kingdom

salary cost of living

For this point, we are going to take into account the average salary in temporary jobs such as working in hotels, bars, shopping malls or in the countryside, as a housekeeper, etc., which are the most common jobs that YoMeAnimers do.

The current salary in the United Kingdom is GBP 11.44 (USD 13.61) per hour. If we take that amount per hour, it would give us an approximate total per month of GBP 1830 per month.

Salary per month
GBP 1830 (USD 2,263.53)

How much do you spend per month in the United Kingdom?

The approximate total monthly expenses you may have living in the United Kingdom is GBP 718 (USD 888.09).

In any case, we share the approximate costs separately. so that they can take them as an example when calculating their expenses.

According to what they told us YoMeAnimersOn average, monthly spending in the United Kingdom is as follows:

  • Accommodation: GBP 400 (USD 494.76)
  • Supermarket: GBP 200 (USD 247.38)
  • Transport: GBP 68 (USD 84.11)
  • Extras: GBP 250 (USD 309.22)

If we add all this together it gives us a total monthly expense of:

Average Monthly Expense
GBP 718 (USD 888.09)

How much can you save per month in the United Kingdom?

average monthly savings

Some of the questions we ask ourselves before traveling are: how much am I going to spend? What salary are they going to pay me? and one of the most important Will I have money left to save and continue traveling around the country?

At this point, we are going to calculate the average savings per month. We will get an estimated value because as we always say, it varies according to the lifestyle and work of each person. We detail by category how much you can save based on your expenses and income:

With an average salary of GBP 1830 (USD 2,263.53), subtracting it from the GBP 718 (USD 888.09) of average expenses, gives a total monthly savings of GBP 1112 (USD 1,375.43).

Monthly savings in the United Kingdom
GBP 1112 (USD 1,375.43)

We hope that these data serve as an example for planning your trip and that you become more informed about what you can save on United Kingdom with its Working Holiday visa.

Finally, for those who are in the United Kingdom and want to share their own savings experience, you are invited to leave us your opinion! 👇

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